Dolores Huerta / 2020 / Tim Kerr (Your Name Here) / Mixed Media / 11 x 14 inches / $400.00

Alice and John Coltrane / 2020 / Tim Kerr (Your Name Here) / Mixed Media / 11 x 14 inches / $400.00 / SOLD
Bruce Brown / 2020 / Tim Kerr (Your Name Here) / Mixed Media / 11 x 14 inches / $400.00

Burnt Soul 1 / 2020 / Pall Jenkins / Woodburn / 5.5 x 24 inches / $150 / SOLD

Reverse Your Head / 2017 / Pall Jenkins / Woodburn / 7.5 x 20 inches / $250 / SOLD
Burnt Soul 2 / 2020 / Pall Jenkins / Woodburn / 5.5 x 24 inches / $150

My Bones Seeped Through My Mouth and Told My Story / 2020 / Annie Perkins-Rosenberg / Pen and Ink / 5 x 7 inches / $110 / SOLD

Unbraiding Thoughts and Yarrow / 2020 / Annie Perkins-Rosenberg / Pen and Ink / 5 x 7 inches / $110 / SOLD

Mandible for Death and Mortality, Wood Betony as a Charm for Ill Luck and Despair / 2020 / Annie Perkins-Rosenberg / Pen and Ink / 5 x 7 inches / $110
The Origin of Alex Trebek: 9th Dimensional Construct / 2020 / Jason Sherry / Collage (Hand-cut Paper) / 21 x 26 inches framed / $900
Marta Martyr / 2019 / Andy Adamson / Ceramic, Glaze, Cold Finish, LEDs / 24.5 x 11 x 15 inches / $3,600
Ham-Fisted / 2020 / Andy Adamson / Ceramic, cold finish / 14 x 8 x 6 inches / $2,250
Eat the Rich / 2017 / Melody Jean Moulton / Hand-Cut Paper Collage with Clear Acrylic Medium / 6.5 x 10 inches / $350
Last Year's Man / 2010 / Melody Jean Moulton / Hand-Cut Paper Collage with Clear Acrylic Medium / 8.5 x 5.5 inches / $250
Too Young to Know / 2017 / HandMadeWithHands / Acrylic on Skateboard / 8.5 x 33 inches / $350
Too Old to Ask / 2017 / HandMadeWithHands / Acrylic on Skateboard / 8.5 x 33 inches / $350

Marbling #1 / 2020 / Brian Clinebell / Marbling paint on paper / 11 x 14 inches / $130

Orbs #1 / 2020 / Brian Clinebell / Marbling paint on paper / 11 x 14 / $130 / SOLD

Mandible 1 / 2020 / Jessie McNally / Acrylic & gouache, deer mandible, chain / 9 x 8.5 inches / $100 / SOLD

Mandible 2 / 2020 / Jessie McNally / Acrylic & gouache, deer mandible, chain / 10 x 7.5 inches / $100 / SOLD

Mandible 3 / 2020 / Jessie McNally / Acrylic & gouache, deer mandible, chain / 9.5 x 8.5 inches / $100 / SOLD

Girl Blue / 2019 / Michele Zousmer / Digital Photograph on Fine Art Paper / 20 x 24 inches / $400.00 / SOLD
Mary and her Caravan / 2018 / Michele Zousmer / Digital Photograph on Fine Art Paper / 20 x 24 inches / $400.00 / SOLD
Queen of the Deep / 2020 / Aaron Cathcart / Hand-carved maple, mouse skulls / 3.5 x 8.5 inches / $200
The Pride of Aries / 2020 / Aaron Cathcart / Hand-carved maple, ebony stain, stag beetle / 4 x 8.5 inches / $200
Echinocactus I / 2020 / Jackie Dunn Smith / Gouache on Archival Watercolor Paper / 18 x 22 inches / $750 / SOLD

Life, Death, Rebirth, Repeat / 2020 / Heavydreamr / Fiber sculpture / 16.5 x 26.5 inches / $240
Ouroboros Om / 2019 / Heavydreamr / Fiber sculpture / 13 x 14.5 inches / $150

Ceaseless State of Agitation / 2020 / Dan Barry / Found frame & paper, graphite / 10.5 x 12.5 inches / $550 / SOLD
Medusa 2 / 2016 / Christopher Wassell / Block print, acrylic on panel / 14 x 14 inches / $250

Medusa 1 / 2018 / Christopher Wassell / Block print, acrylic on paper / 8.5 x 11 inches / $250 / SOLD

Mort / 2020 / Amanda Adomaitis / Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze / 6.5 x 4.5 x 3 inches / $200 / SOLD "Mort always had a sweet tooth, well, horn really, but nobody talks about that being a thing so there you go. He grew up with his fellow stegohamsters and always wondered why they ate boring things like leaves and twigs. GROSS. He's always had a particular passion for peppermints....what's not to like? Shiny? Check. Sweet? Check. Breath-freshening? CHECK. He commissioned a series of larger than life sweeties to fill his crash pad with and now he whiles away the days lounging and licking their sweet minty swirls." - Amanda Adomaitis

Gertie / 2020 / Amanda Adomaitis / Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze / 8 x 7 x 4.5 inches / $300 / SOLD “At her core, Gertie just wants you to love her and she never could think of anything more lovable than a cupcake! As a blobfish, she's used to people turning up their nose at her countenance and you know what? It BUMS HER OUT. She is beautiful, inside and out and if she needs to do a little primping and preening that's not a problem for her. She's always thought her birthmarks looked like sprinkles anyways so cupcake comes pretty natural to her, as disguises go. She spends many a day lowering herself into her cupcake liner and holding a sweet maraschino cherry on top of her head as this is just simply how she feels at her loveliest.” - Amanda Adomaitis

Clive / 2020 / Amanda Adomaitis / Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze / 7.5 x 6 x 5 inches / $250 / SOLD “Clive gets it, his head looks BEAUTIFUL with flowers on and in it, but it's a little dull, no? He'd much prefer you to use him as a sweet jar rather than some kind of vase, but people rarely ask him what he thinks. If you asked him he would be more than happy to tell you that Flowers are Nice but Candy is Dandy and that suits him just fine. He just can't get enough of the sweet stuff as evidenced by the fact that his eyes are always rolling around like two marbles: he is forever peppy and raring to go due to his inexhaustible sugar high and he wouldn't have it any other way!” - Amanda Adomaitis
Merle / 2020 / Amanda Adomaitis / Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze / 9.5 x 8 x 7.5 inches / $500 “Merle would like to address some of the more unsavory rumors regarding his employment. Frankly, he resents the implication that he is involved with any criminal activity AT ALL, let alone the mob. It is RIDICULOUS to say that his business dealings are anything but legitimate. Merle is simply a hard-working guy who, on occasion, and ONLY on occasion, has to get a little rough to get things done. THAT'S JUST BUSINESS. For the people that say he always has a hand out waiting for a crisp bill, he has some choice words for you...why don't you come closer and say that to his face? Anyways, he's really turned over a new leaf lately....he's quit smoking, started reading more, and is slowly working on that pesky oral fixation. So yes, that is fish in his mouth. What about it?” - Amanda Adomaitis
Howard / 2020 / Amanda Adomaitis / Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze / 8.5 x 6 x 7.5 inches / $375 "Howard has had ENOUGH with this year already. At first, he thought meditation would help....and it did, for a while, but then one thing after another just kept coming up. So he started smoking. That reeeaaallly helped. Then it didn't and he slowly realized his rage was growing. So he quit. That sucked. Then he thought, ok, I'll go for a swim every day. That helped a bit, but you know, as a fish he was already swimming quite a bit so the change was relative. Then one day, everyone started telling him what a juicy booty he had and that pissed him off SO much. So less swimming, more reading. But the more he learned, the more he realized just how messed up this year was. For now, he's just contenting himself with trying to be patient, but honestly? Even that's annoying. He's just over 2020 and who knows what to do with that emotion right now. Maybe he'll try painting next. Any thoughts?" - Amanda Adomaitis
Pizza of Ages / 2019 / Crap Man / Silk Screen Print on 300g / 11 x 14 inches / $30 (multiple prints available)
Crap Youth / 2018 / Crap Man / Silk Screen Print on 300g / 11 x 14 inches / $30 (multiple prints available)

(Untitled) Book report #14 Robert Scott Arctic Pioneer / 2017 / Max Rowboat Daily / Object sculpture / $750 / SOLD

Repair Needed / 2019 / Becky DiGiglio / Digital Photography / 8 x 10 inches / $40 / SOLD

False Flags / 2020 / Becky DiGiglio / Digital Photography / 11 x 14 inches / $60 / SOLD

Black Mirror / 2020 / Becky DiGiglio / Digital Photography / 8 x 10 inches / $40 / SOLD

Thomas / 2014 / Jarrod Reiss Goldman / Monotype and ink / 16 x 24 inches / $250

Richard / 2014 / Jarrod Reiss Goldman / Monotype and ink / 16 x 21 inches / $250

Henry / 2014 / Jarrod Reiss Goldman / Monotype and ink/ 18 x 26 inches / $250
Desolation Row / 2019 / Manuel Zamudio / Oil on Wood / 14 inch round / $800
Paradise Lost / 2020 / Manuel Zamudio / Oil on Wood / 17 inch round / $1,000