A juried group exhibition curated by
May 19 to June 11, 2023
: of, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast
a: not domesticated or cultivated : WILD
b: having escaped from domestication and become wild”
This word can be used to describe an unhinged or unkempt beast BUT it can also describe something seemingly simple and beautiful such as a wildflower growing in the desert.
Click on each image for additional photos of the piece, more information about the artist who created it, and/or to purchase. Domestic and international shipping available for an additional charge. Thank you for stopping by!
xo Trash Lamb
To contact the gallery with inquiries go here.
Cowslip / 2023 / Dan Barry / Found paper & frame, graphite / 4.5 x 6.5 inches / $375 / Quote chosen by artist: “Sometimes, I am the beast in the darkness. Sometimes, I am the ghost. Am I human or animal? Sane or lunatic? Both? Neither? Yes.” - H. Durham
Calluna Vulgaris / 2023 / Dan Barry / Found paper & frame, graphite / 4.75 x 6.75 inches / $375 / Quote chosen by artist: “Sometimes, I am the beast in the darkness. Sometimes, I am the ghost. Am I human or animal? Sane or lunatic? Both? Neither? Yes.” - H. Durham
Dandelion / 2023 / Dan Barry / Found paper & frame, graphite, scotch tape / 4.75 x 6.75 inches / $375 / Quote chosen by artist: “Sometimes, I am the beast in the darkness. Sometimes, I am the ghost. Am I human or animal? Sane or lunatic? Both? Neither? Yes.” - H. Durham
Escape of the Carousel Goat / 2023 / Peter Wallis (Santa Monica, California) / Gouache on wood panel / 4 x 4 inches / $200 / “In the late 19th century Spiritualism and Seances occured at an Abenaki cave near my house. These two clairvoyants called the Eddy Brothers would summon ghosts out of a cave. There is a book written about it called 'People from Another World.' The goat symbolizes this farm and these seances. I always thought it was a tall tale [until] there was a night near the cave where I encountered a ghost of someone I knew who [had] committed suicide near the Eddy Brother's home. Most of my paintings are connected to that experience in some way.”
Charcoal Boy / 2023 / Peter Wallis (Santa Monica, California) / Gouache on wood panel / 4 x 4 inches / $200 / “In this series this is a visual metaphor about someone I knew who lived across from the fairgrounds and would chain smoke Marbs in his basement. He had a cat die in his basement and left the cat there for years as he would continue to chain smoke in his basement. Shortly after he clean up the skeleton in the basement, after many years, he lost his life in a tragic car accident at a young age. I think he is connected to the cat in some way and this painting is a visual metaphor for him.”
Garbage Sheep / 2023 / Peter Wallis (Santa Monica, California) / Gouache on wood panel / 4 x 4 inches / $200 / “In my {rural Vermont] hometown the state fair is a big part of what happens. I created this series imagining the carousel animals escaping and haunting the town. It [is] a visual metaphor of animals once part of the carnival that are now free. The skeleton symbolizes a certain kind of eternity or realm. The freeing of these animals are a symbol my where I am from and how the carnival haunts the area as it comes to town and eventually leaves. I created a sheep and random garbage [while] thinking about the history of agriculture, the carnival and [the] carousel animals that guide us to the spirit realm.”
Bertha was a Boss / 2023 / Lindy Ivey (San Diego, California) / Oil on wood / 6 x 6 inches / $250 / "Bertha was an instigator, she hated being confined. Although she loved some things about humans, like how cool they looked in leather and their delicious nicotine sticks, she had to cut loose. Bertha organized a pen break, she and the other pigs live in wilds, by nobody’s rules but their own."
Some Pig / 2023 / Lindy Ivey (San Diego, California) / Oil on wood / 5 x 5 inches / $200 / "An escapee from the great Bertha Pen Break, wearing nothing but the tattoo his former owner gave him and the [the type of] grin [that] only freedom can give a being."
Rock of Mages I / 2023 / Melody Jean Moulton (San Diego, California) / Paper collage, acrylic, gesso, rock / 3.5 x 4 inches / $100 / "Time is a feral construct. It is untamed, ferociously unstoppable, and impossible to slow down. Darkly put, our construct of time is essentially a personal doomsday clock. With every minute that goes by, we are that much closer to the ultimate breakdown and redistribution of our bodies back into the Earth. A beastly guessing game of sorts where you can follow all the rules that point towards longevity and hope for the best but time has no real regard for that sort of thing and waits for no one in the End. When your number is up, that’s it, it’s time to decay. At a snail's pace compared to the human body, rocks slowly erode to eventually become particles of dust, many different microscopic versions of what they once were, all destined to become part of something new. Solve et Coagula. Alchemy. Magic. I will be receiving some of my maternal grandmother and grandfather’s ashes this Summer during a family reunion and I have been thinking about that a lot lately. Neither of them believed in any sort of afterlife. All three pieces in this series are dedicated to them, Barbara Jean and Alan Dempster Tait "
Rock of Mages II / 2023 / Melody Jean Moulton (San Diego, California) / Paper collage, acrylic, gesso, rock / 4.5 x 5.75 inches / $125 / "Time is a feral construct. It is untamed, ferociously unstoppable, and impossible to slow down. Darkly put, our construct of time is essentially a personal doomsday clock. With every minute that goes by, we are that much closer to the ultimate breakdown and redistribution of our bodies back into the Earth. A beastly guessing game of sorts where you can follow all the rules that point towards longevity and hope for the best but time has no real regard for that sort of thing and waits for no one in the End. When your number is up, that’s it, it’s time to decay. At a snail's pace compared to the human body, rocks slowly erode to eventually become particles of dust, many different microscopic versions of what they once were, all destined to become part of something new. Solve et Coagula. Alchemy. Magic. I will be receiving some of my maternal grandmother and grandfather’s ashes this Summer during a family reunion and I have been thinking about that a lot lately. Neither of them believed in any sort of afterlife. All three pieces in this series are dedicated to them, Barbara Jean and Alan Dempster Tait "
Rock of Mages III / 2023 / Melody Jean Moulton (San Diego, California) / Paper collage, acrylic, gesso, rock / 3.75 x 4.5 inches / $100 / "Time is a feral construct. It is untamed, ferociously unstoppable, and impossible to slow down. Darkly put, our construct of time is essentially a personal doomsday clock. With every minute that goes by, we are that much closer to the ultimate breakdown and redistribution of our bodies back into the Earth. A beastly guessing game of sorts where you can follow all the rules that point towards longevity and hope for the best but time has no real regard for that sort of thing and waits for no one in the End. When your number is up, that’s it, it’s time to decay. At a snail's pace compared to the human body, rocks slowly erode to eventually become particles of dust, many different microscopic versions of what they once were, all destined to become part of something new. Solve et Coagula. Alchemy. Magic. I will be receiving some of my maternal grandmother and grandfather’s ashes this Summer during a family reunion and I have been thinking about that a lot lately. Neither of them believed in any sort of afterlife. All three pieces in this series are dedicated to them, Barbara Jean and Alan Dempster Tait "
Misty / 2023 / Jessie Mott (Chicago, Illinois) / Gouache and ink on Aquabord / 12 x 12 inches / $450 / "Misty lives within the cracks of the house. Nocturnal, always ravenous, they won't hesitate to eviscerate any warm body that they encounter in the shadows."
Rôder / 2023 / Mark George (Jacksonville, Florida) / Acrylic and aerosol on polyvinyl chloride panel with metal fasteners / 20 x 20 inches / $1750 / "A once successful Cajun businessman, who now out of complete boredom has taken residence on the bayou with creatures of his kind."
Bird Queen / 2023 / Bunnie Reiss (Joshua Tree, California) / Acrylic on paper / 12 x 12 inches / $600 / "My relationship with nature feeds my feral self. I wake up everyday to a beautiful, expansive desert, and I see the delicate systems that are slowly weaving and building the world around me. It is through nature that I can deeply understand the beasts we truly are, and live freely in both my mind and body."
Garden Hamsa / 2023 / Bunnie Reiss (Joshua Tree, California) / Acrylic on paper / 12 x 12 inches / $600 / "My relationship with nature feeds my feral self. I wake up everyday to a beautiful, expansive desert, and I see the delicate systems that are slowly weaving and building the world around me. It is through nature that I can deeply understand the beasts we truly are, and live freely in both my mind and body."
Fur Pods / 2023 / Aleya Lanteigne (San Diego, California) / Milkweed and fur / 9 x 12 inches / $195 / “Fur (hair) is found matted, tangled, and unkempt- lying on the ground in clumps- signs of fierce contact and a lack of grooming - indications of a feral presence. In fallow lands, nature takes over, where land is uncultivated, wild flora and fauna prosper. I imagine feral creatures roaming in meadows of milkweed- their fur intertwining with the milkweed pods as they fall to the ground and become debris. Milkweed is aggressive, a weedy plant that spreads wide when uninhibited. Its leaves and sap are toxic, home for pollinators but damning to others.”
Diablo 1 / 2022 / Wick Alexander / Acrylic on wood panel / 12 x 12 inches / $300 / "Paintings from my collection of burned burls (root balls) that evoke associations with people, animals, and landscapes in the tradition of Japanese suiseki."
Diablo 2 / 2022 / Wick Alexander / Acrylic on wood panel / 12 x 12 inches / $300 / "Paintings from my collection of burned burls (root balls) that evoke associations with people, animals, and landscapes in the tradition of Japanese suiseki."
Diablo 3 / 2022 / Wick Alexander / Acrylic on wood panel / 12 x 12 inches / $300 / "Paintings from my collection of burned burls (root balls) that evoke associations with people, animals, and landscapes in the tradition of Japanese suiseki."
Diablo 4 / 2022 / Wick Alexander / Acrylic on wood panel / 12 x 12 inches / $300 / "Paintings from my collection of burned burls (root balls) that evoke associations with people, animals, and landscapes in the tradition of Japanese suiseki."
Running in Circles / 2019 / Rachel Ehlin-Smith / Handwoven silk, chicken feet, wood / 10 x 8 inches / $350 / "I was in a really sad, lonely closed off place when I made this piece. Trying to decide whether to stay in a very long term relationship or leave and start over for the first time in 22 years. I felt like I was running in circles."
Disapproving Bunny - Boiling Point / 2022 / Fuzz E Grant (San Francisco, California) / Plaster, foam, paper, acrylic / 11 x 4.5 x 6 inches / $300 / "This Disapproving Bunny is boiling over with rage from being called cute all the time and has turned feral."
Princess Goblins / 2022 / Ten Yetman (Winnipeg, Canada) / Acrylic and ink on canvas / 10 x 12 inches / $600 / “A sobbing Goblin caries a fully matured Goblin inside her womb, who is systematically poking her from within (with pins). The cactus head friends all around wait in anticipation for her birth, when she will become Princess Goblins!”
Wolfman / 2022 / Ten Yetman (Winnipeg, Canada) / Acrylic and ink on canvas / 12 x 12 inches / $700 / “A wolf rides through the desert looking for a resting place for his alter ego, 'skull wolf' who lives inside him. His friend Wolfman rides a top his back.”
Some People Think Little Girls Should Be Seen and Not Heard / 2023 / Sarah Lee (London, United Kingdom) / Acrylic on canvas paper / 16.5 x 11.7 inches / $950 / "The title comes from the first line of the song, 'Oh Bondage Up Yours' by the British punk band X-Ray Spex circa 1977. The scene is based on some of the many mask parties I had at my parents house in the 80s. I was obsessed with horror for as long as I can remember. Even when it was not Halloween i imagined rows and rows of these masks just floating down the hallway … all different monster faces staring back at me. I remember me and my friends and sisters running around in our little Sunday dresses and being totally transformed by these monster masks. Sweeties with fizzy pop, we were the definition of feral in those hours in the living room… and absolutely terrifying!"
Once Upon a Time there was a Very Hungry Wolf, a Very Lovely Girl and a Secret Never to Be Told / 2023 / Sarah Lee (London, United Kingdom) / Acrylic on canvas paper / 16.5 x 11.7 inches / $950 / "This is a story of lost innocence [and] an unexpected encounter with a feral beast who could not be tamed … All he saw was temptation and offerings that were not necessarily his to take. And that’s the secret, that perhaps, will never be told."
You Promised Me Forever / 2023 / Andrea Guzzetta (Los Angeles, California) / Oil on panel / 14 inches diameter / $1400 / "I first conceived of this piece in early 2021 after a devastating breakup with someone who had made a lot of promises they never meant to keep. Unicorns are a symbol of both innocence (which is fleeting) and immortality. Obsessed with them in childhood, they remain one of my placeholders for self. These broken promises got me thinking about how the only unbreakable promise is death and how even unicorns can be slain. This unicorn is wounded but still fights to hold onto both its innocence and immortality. That’s where we all are - fighting for love and life and hope in a difficult world. At its core, this piece is a reminder that nothing lasts forever and every promise is fragile."
What's the Point / 2023 / Teresa Watson (Joshua Tree, California) / Gouache and chalk paint / 8 x 10 inches / $175 / "[This painting] is about feeling a-volition and existential dread that may accompany being feral."
Useless Man / 2023 / Teresa Watson (Joshua Tree, California) / Gouache and chalk paint / 8 x 10 inches / $175 / "[This painting] is about trying to adjust to society but not quite fitting in as a feral person."
Has Nice Smile / 2023 / Teresa Watson (Joshua Tree, California) / Gouache and chalk paint / 8 x 10 inches / $175 / "[This painting] is about trying to smile and blend in with what is normal when you are dead inside."
Foghat Confrontation 1 / 2023 / Gregg Turkington aka "Neil Hamburger" (Los Angeles, California) / Ink on paper / 14 x 11 inches (framed) / $350 / "Cats rely on scent and sound to warn them of unpleasant intruders into their world. Foghat were formed in London in 1971 and despite several line-up changes, still perform today."
Foghat Confrontation 2 / 2023 / Gregg Turkington aka "Neil Hamburger" (Los Angeles, California) / Ink on paper / 11 x 8.5 inches (unframed), 14 x 11 inches (framed) / $350 / "Cats rely on scent and sound to warn them of unpleasant intruders into their world. Foghat were formed in London in 1971 and despite several line-up changes, still perform today."
Sweet Revenge / 2022 / Brady Willmott (San Diego, California) / Oil on panel / 12 x 12 inches / $1000 / “The more humans encroach on nature the more nature will be forced to fight back.”
Snake Puppet / 2023 / Panacea Theriac aka Miss Pussycat (New Orleans, Louisiana) / Ceramic / 10.5 x 9 x 6.5 inches / $925 (**UNFORTUNATELY THIS PIECE WAS DAMAGED DURING SHIPPING AND WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE. I loved it so much that I decided to keep an "honorary" spot for it in the online gallery**) "I like making statues of my puppets! This is of an asp puppet, from a puppet show about Cleopatra called 'The History of Ancient Egypt'. The original puppet in the show is made from a brown wool knee sock that I got at J Crew years ago. [The puppet] has fangs made from cutting up a bleach bottle. A serpent! The story goes that Cleopatra had an old woman bring her a basket of fruit while she was under house arrest by Octavian and being closely guarded. He really did not want her to kill herself. He wanted the pleasure to first parade / drag her through the streets of Rome in a cage and torture her. But there was a cobra hidden in the old woman’s basket. Cleopatra used [the cobra] to kill herself, having it bite her on the chest. There is [an additional] snake [puppet] in another puppet show called, 'Shadow and Eve'. The [snake puppets] are a brother and sister farming team. They take care of the clouds, which is where drops come from. Eventually the drops from the spirit world are used to make shampoo called Spirit Hair and Marsha washes Trixie’s hair with it. But there is a snake that steals the drops. Shadow and Eve get them back by playing a saxophone. The ceramic Snake Puppet statue is a version of [the snake puppets from] these stories."
Protopia / 2022 / Franc Kaiser (Shanghai, China) / Acrylic on cardboard / 23.25 x 33 inches / $1900 / “A wild creature in a dystopian environment - at least there is still pizza.”
The Errant Huntsman / 2023 / Rick Fröberg (San Diego, California) / Gouache and coffee on paper / 12 x 16.75 inches (17 x 21 inches framed) / $750 / "Knock! Draw! Loose! Yeah, well, seldom do we take aim at the actual problem and even then firepower ain’t the solution. Whatever. It’s an excuse to draw zebras (possibly one of my favorite animals as I’ve actually seen them do their thing in The Wild). I know that the theme of the show is “Feral”, which, to me, suggests displaced animals in an urban setting or possibly just awful behavior. Bueno. Animals in The Wild are not displaced or misplaced. It’s just the deal. And fuckin’ A - Why not zebras? I like to draw them. What if your town was overrun by zebras? Perhaps you’d hire an Errant Knight or (a very errant) hunter. Perhaps you’d cower in terror and never leave your home because of The Striped Plague. I don’t know (As a bona fide conspiracy theorist even I believe you are safe). Ojalá que nos veamos en la explosión! Peace and Love! - Rick"
Bor Gor / 2022 / Matthew Dutton (Soddy Daisy, Teneessee) / Ink, watercolor, pencil, plaster on wood / 10 x 12 x 2 inches / $500 / “This piece is a portrait of a feral monster I created. It shares both human and beastly characteristics. His disgusting appearance is balanced by the subtle glimpse of humanity trapped behind his sad gaze.”
Soft Cell / 2023 / Matthew Dutton (Soddy Daisy, Tennessee) / Ink, watercolor, pencil, plaster on wood / 12 x 18 x 2 inches / $950 /“This portrait combines both beautiful color with disturbing flesh melt. Balancing attraction and repulsion, this piece incorporates a horrible figure that somehow feels lovable while conjuring pity."
My Fair Kitty / 2023 / Josh Stebbins (Enid, Oklahoma) / Graphite & ink on paper adhered to wood panel / 8 x 10 inches / $200 / "I’d like to just say first off that I’m a cat lover, so that being said I’ve taken care of many feral cats (especially in the winter here in Oklahoma where the weather is insane), my idea was that of a young lady who [is] somewhat destined to be a 'crazy cat lady' and you see a kind of desperation in her expression and also the torments (cuts and bruises) made during her journey loving so many cats… The background vintage 'black cat' firecracker logo is a nod to the fact that she might explode at any minute."
Prototype Bear Workstation / 2023 / Jason Sherry (San Diego, California) / Foam, organ reeds, electronics, fabric, wood / 12 x 19 x 10 inches / $1300 / "The sound the bear makes is dissonant. Analysis is the objective. The bear emerges from the knock-off Fender amp cabinet. This bear rocks! The bear’s mouth is open, indicating fear or aggression. The telephone affords the experiencer some distance from the danger. Beware the bear!" Yes, this piece makes noise...